A bear wouldn’t do this

Well maybe a bear might punch someone who punched him first, but according to the National Park Service, “Stay calm and remember that most bears do not want to attack you”

A bear minding his own business.
Photo by Francisco Cornellana Castells on Pexels.com

I don’t know what happened before Jonathan Kaye, a white male New York City investment banker, punched a woman in the face and knocked her to the ground.

Who knows? Maybe there was a perfectly good reason for him to deck a woman in high heels who weighs 50 pounds less than him.

I, being nosy and human, of course want the full story, but what horrifies me even more than a grown man punching a smaller person who was apparently no threat to him is how many people – men, I suspect – reacted.

Twitter commenters offered lots of good reasons for a man to hit a woman.

He was acting in self defense. In response to her throwing a drink on him. In response to her throwing urine on him. In response to a taunt.

They noted that women apparently do not really want equality.

That the victim FAFOd.

That the victim was asking for it.

How will she know it’s wrong to assault men? Hopefully this resonates with her.

Nah fuck that bitch. They need a lesson in how men can fucking destroy them at the drop of a hat

That’s why women shouldn’t be morons. You don’t pick a fight with a man, unless you want to be knocked out.

I can think of a million scenarios where punching a woman is justified

So women only want equal rights when it benefits them?

Do something to someone and you deserve whatever reaction you get. Don’t want a reaction, don’t do anything.

He should’ve done worse

I knew there were men who think women should just shut up and make them a sandwich. A recent Pew survey shows that Trump supporters (in red – Biden supporters in blue) are more likely than Biden supporters to think that women’s gains have come at the expense of men.

But I didn’t know there were so many bitter, angry, violent, and, frankly, pathetic, stupid men.

I know a little bit about incel/women-hating culture. I have a relative – a young man – who is an Andrew Tate acolyte.

I know this not because I talk to this relative but because he posts his poison – that women shouldn’t have jobs, that women are whores (unless they sleep with him?), that women should just STFU – on twitter under his own name.

Which WTF how stupid can you be?

Or worse than stupid – he thinks his views are OK. That righteous people agree with him. That nobody of note considers his views abhorrent.

That’s why he’s comfortable posting under his own name.

men are so desperate for any excuse to beat up women, it’s wild.

This is why we vote blue. It’s not perfect, but it’s not taking us into the dystopian world that the Tate worshippers want.

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